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The Agile in HR (R)Evolution: Your Ultimate Guide

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January 21, 2022

The Agile HR (R)Evolution is coming.  Which means HR is going to have to step up and take the lead in putting people front and centre.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been frustrated with how HR is viewed within a company. Often considered a cost drain, the ‘HR Police’ or an obstacle/blocker.

Well, I’ve got good news for you – the Agile HR (R)Evolution is coming.  Which means HR is going to have to step up and take the lead in putting people front and centre.

It was happening anyway, but Covid has expedited the evolution of Agile HR from transactional (admin, policies, manual procedures, answering requests) to a more strategic focus.

Employees are recognising that work/life balance means getting and expecting more from their employers.  It’s what is driving the so-called ‘Great Resignation’ and turning talent attraction and retention on its head demanding more from employers.

Today’s employees want:

  • Continuous feedback
  • Continuous recognition
  • To know that they are adding value
  • Ongoing learning and development
  • Treated as individuals
  • Not held back by admin-heavy processes
  • A flexible work environment
  • Collaborative and autonomous activities with valued innovation
  • Progression (which doesn’t always have to mean moving up)
  • For their employers to support them in their mental health

Today’s leaders (managers) want:

·       To be able to give all of the above

It’s tempting to focus on creating course after course, or more and more systems to accommodate all of this in your quest to achieve this – team building activity anyone?! Weekly documented 121’s? Send everyone on a standard leadership course to show them how important it is to treat everyone the same?


The answer is to establish a framework that eliminates all the noise and gives regular, ongoing opportunities to:

  • It’s important to give support – and the space to flourish
  • Work on ideas and innovations with employees and end customers at the heart of improvements
  • Small improvements must be made – no more year-long projects where employees don’t see what is being worked on, and think their employer doesn’t care
  • Short sprints of activity with focus and tangible results
  • Be able to respond to changes without derailing plans
  • Collaborate over a shared vision
  • Work as a self-organising team towards identifiable goals, (instead of individual pursuits) by ‘pulling’ tasks rather than being assigned duties
  • Minimise risk – in costs, in time and in effort

Want to learn more? You can book in a 121 discovery call to see how you can make an immediate impact for you and your team.