Reimagine your HR with Agile

Get ready to lead your teams to be able to respond to change faster, more flexibly and with less stress.

A revolution is upon us in HR, and Agile is the future.


Agile in HR™️

Get ready to lead your teams to be able to respond to change faster, more flexibly and with less stress.

Led by Kate Maddison-Greenwell, come and join an exclusive cohort where you will learn all about how HR is evolving to meet the demands of this ever-increasing VUCA world.  If you have ever internally screamed ‘there must be a better way!’ – this is the course for you.

HR is rapidly evolving, and those companies that are focusing on HR as a transactional service are going to be left behind. Engagement, collaboration and improvement have to be part of the framework of any company wanting to navigate in uncertain times.  HR practitioners are the ones that need to lead the way.

What is Agile in HR™️ all about?

Agile is all about; breaking down silos, increasing collaboration, improving engagement through an autonomous/self-organising framework, and continuous feedback.

It’s about embracing failure as a learning journey, experimentation and leaders facilitating focus and vision – and then getting out of the way!

Come and join us on the start of your Agile journey…

Our Agile in HR™️ training courses

Agile HR Leader – Foundation Programme

What you will learn:


Module 1 - What is Agile?

The mindset, the framework and how it will contribute to your team or company being able to respond to change flexibly.


Module 2 – Benefits to HR.

How working with Agile can revolutionise an HR team through problem-solving collaboratively, gain credibility throughout the company and keep employees engaged.


Module 3 – Structure of an Agile Team.

The frameworks and methodologies that an Agile Team works with – such as Scrum and Kanban.


Module 4 – Agile Roles.

The roles of the team members such as Product Owner and ScrumMaster as well as the concept of ‘pulling’ tasks as part of a self-organising team.


Module 5 – Iterative improvement through Sprint.

How to use sprinting and backlogs to ensure flexible and continuous improvement.


Module 6 - Retrospectives and next steps.

Reflect on the course, and your own focus areas.

The course is live, tutor-led, interactive & virtual. You may even have fun! You will be sent a link before the course.

Agile HR Leader Trailblazer Programme

This 2-day course will give you practical knowledge and guidance on how to apply Agile with your HR team and beyond.

Full of relevant and visual activities, this programme will leave you with a full understanding of how to problem solve, plan, and run sprints to ensure your HR function will add value and make an impact.

This interactive course will take you through how to use tools, resources and games to get your teams to self-organise, show autonomy and transparency and increase engagement – quickly!


Applying real-life HR problem statements (definitions) to Agile.

How to separate noise from actual problems that will make an impact once resolved.


Module 2 – User Personas.

How to work out who the end-users are and how they think to ensure you have the right solution and communication strategy.


Module 3 – Scrum Framework.

How to work effectively within Scrum, using the artefacts and rituals to encourage your team to work towards team goals.


Module 4 – Sprint Goals.

Working out the Definition of Done (DoD) knowing how to demonstrate value to all stakeholders.


Module 5 - Sprint Planning.

Working with the backlogs, prioritising, understanding blockers and assigning a value to each task/goal.



Module 6 - Product Backlogs.

How to maintain a backlog, re-prioritise and minimise distractions.


Module 7 - Sprint Reviews.

Reflecting on how the sprint went, blockers and resources.


Module 8 - Retrospectives.

Reflecting on team behaviours, successes and development areas to take into the next sprint.

This is an ideal course for those that have completed the Agile HR Leader Foundation programme, or for those that have worked within Agile before but need to learn more about leading Agile teams/projects.

This is a 2 day, live, interactive and tutor-led course. You will be sent a link to the session after purchasing.

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A fresh take on how work gets done.