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Solving Burnout with 5 Easy Tricks

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April 17, 2023

How Agile in HR™️ can help HR leaders overcome overwhelm

The world of work has changed rapidly in the past couple of years, and HR leaders are feeling the impact. The pandemic has only accelerated the pressure that many HR teams are under. One of the most significant challenges that HR leaders are facing is burnout.

Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. It can lead to reduced productivity, increased absenteeism, and a decline in overall wellbeing. In the fast-paced world of HR, where teams are expected to do more with less, burnout is a real and present danger.

So what can HR leaders do to combat burnout? One solution is to adopt an Agile in HR™️ approach.

Agile is a way of working that emphasises collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement. This is done by breaking down complex challenges into ‘products’ that have the biggest impact via the simplest solution.

By adopting an Agile mindset, HR leaders can create a culture that supports wellbeing and resilience, helping their teams to avoid burnout.

At People Efficient, we provide consultancy using our Agile mindset and resources, and also train HR and leadership teams on Agile in HR™️ to overcome overwhelm and reduce the risk of burnout:

Prioritise proactive wellbeing:

Agile places a high value on employee wellbeing. By prioritising wellbeing, HR leaders can help their teams to manage stress and avoid burnout. This can include initiatives such as mental health support, flexible working arrangements, and regular check-ins. The biggest impact we can have is focusing on HOW work gets done, which is where a focus on the day-to-day employee experience is used to reduce frustrations and stress.

Foster collaboration:

Agile in HR™️ emphasises collaboration and teamwork. By fostering a culture of collaboration, HR leaders can help their teams to feel supported and connected. This can include team-building activities, regular purposeful and interactive sessions, and open/transparent communication channels.

Embrace continuous improvement:

Agile in HR™️ is all about continuous improvement. By embracing this mindset, HR leaders can create a culture of learning and development, helping their teams to grow and develop in their roles. This can include regular training and development opportunities, performance feedback, and opportunities for innovation.

Streamline processes:

Agile in HR™️ is focused on streamlining processes and removing unnecessary bureaucracy. By simplifying processes, HR leaders can help their teams to work more efficiently and reduce the risk of burnout caused by overwhelming workloads.

Emphasise flexibility:

Agile in HR™️ is all about flexibility. By emphasising flexibility, HR leaders can help their teams to manage their workloads and avoid burnout. This can include flexible working arrangements, time off for personal and family needs, and the ability to work remotely.

In the face of the burnout crisis, Agile can be a lifeline for HR leaders and their teams. By adopting an Agile in HR™️ approach, HR leaders can create a culture that supports wellbeing, fosters collaboration, and embraces continuous improvement.

In doing so, they can help their teams to avoid burnout and thrive in the fast-paced world of modern work.

Let us help take your Employee Experience to the next level. Get in touch today to schedule a free consultation.

Read about why we think meetings are a waste of time here.