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How Agile Can Revolutionise HR

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March 5, 2024

How Agile Can Revolutionise HR – HR Recruit

Kate Maddison-Greenwell presents a session on ‘How Agile Can Revolutionise HR’.

Kate is a rising star in the Agile community, and with 23+ years in HR, she is committed to supporting HR to move from a cost centre to a profit enabling centre.

In the webinar, Kate uses real life examples to show us how HR can evolve using Agile methodologies; to cut through the noise and focus on people-centred actions that will support employees and organisations to grow and flourish in an ever-changing world.

We covered the following areas:

  • Viewing HR as a product
  • Benefits of running sprints
  • How to fail fast
  • T-Shaped teams
  • Agile Manifesto
  • Benefits of iterative change over long projects

Whether you’re a CEO, Business Leader or HR Leader, this event is a must-watch!

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