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HR Coffee Time – 119

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March 5, 2024

How using Agile can drive positive change & prove HR’s value

If you’ve ever wondered how to shift your organisation’s perception of HR from being an operational, admin-heavy function, to one that is strategic, innovative and drives positive change; this episode of HR Coffee Time is here to help. Host, Fay Wallis is joined by Kate Maddison-Greenwell from People Efficient and together they take a deep dive into the exciting world of Agile HR.

Key Takeaways

  • Agile is a mindset and set of methodologies focused on adding value to customers, including employees in the case of HR.
  • Agile HR involves breaking down complex projects or problems into iterative chunks and prioritizing people-centric solutions.
  • Visualization tools like Miro can facilitate collaboration and inclusivity in Agile HR.
  • Games like planning poker can help teams estimate time and value more accurately in Agile HR.
  • Sprints, typically two weeks long, are cycles in Agile HR that involve planning, doing, reviewing, and reflecting on progress.
  • To get started with Agile HR, start small with a project or problem, focus on psychological safety, and gain sponsorship from senior leaders.