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From Good To Great: Harnessing The Agile Mindset For Leadership

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April 30, 2024

In this webinar our host, Kate, talks about Agile HR principles and people-centric leadership. We focus on empowering teams through agile methods and remote working best practices.

People-centric leadership & empowerment

  • Moving from control-and-command to empowering teams by creating spaces for thought, challenge and impact
  • Leaders must adapt communication styles to distributed teams’ individual needs

Case study: Applying agile to improve hospitality business

  • Kate outlines pain points like inefficiencies at a hotel chain struggling with change
  • Using agile, cross-functional teams prioritised solutions, starting with small wins like improved communication
  • Iterative changes enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction

Prioritising solutions & minimum viable products

  • It’s important to prioritise solutions based on value and impact
  • Leaders must consider fastest, lowest-effort wins to engage staff, testing hypotheses through minimal iterations before large projects
  • Microsoft Forms streamlined a process initially slated for a new platform

Transparency, accountability & continuous improvement

  • Tools like Kanban boards and daily stand-ups are great for facilitating transparency and psychological safety
  • Retrospectives and assumption of best intent help problem-solve virtually and improve as a team
  • Automation and quick wins freed managers’ time for higher value tasks

Whether you’re a CEO, Business Leader or HR Leader, this event is a must-watch!

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