Implementing Remote & Hybrid working

Many businesses are losing top talent because they are not providing flexible working solutions.

If you are looking to start working flexibly, or are struggling to make remote/hybrid working successful, this will be the package for you.

Don’t lose your Top Talent to your competitors!

90% of employees want to work in a remote/hybrid team, but often leaders are struggling to accommodate this due to outdated leadership skills. When leading a remote team, the temptation to be come a micro-manager can be strong, as leaders feel a loss of control.

Gone are the days of leaders leading ‘from the front’.  Instead leaders need to be empowering, and support their teams to be high-performing and engaged.

This requires a new set of skills – and we know how to give them to you!

What's included in this package?

This package can include:

  • Employee engagement survey & report
  • 3 x focus groups to understand your employees needs and frustrations
  • Leadership skill solutions
  • Recommendations for projects to increase EVP

All packages are tailored to suit business needs, size and budget.

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A fresh take on how work gets done.

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