Psychological safety course.

It all starts with psychological safety…

High Performing Teams Rely On Psychological Safety

Think about the best team you’ve been part of – maybe a project team, a sports team, or a departmental team. Any team that has a shared goal!

If the team was the best, it was probably high energy, inspirational, innovative and one that you thrived in. This is likely to be because you could be yourself, and all the team members felt free to admit mistakes and ask for help. You may have felt able to challenge ideas or offer solutions without fear of embarrassment for doing so by others.

If you now think about one of the worst teams you’ve been a member of – what made it so bad? Perhaps you felt that you had to be a different version of yourself in order to fit in. You may not have been able to admit mistakes, or ask for help in case is was seen to be ‘weak’ or a ‘failure’. You probably didn’t feel very safe.


To ensure that your team is set up to be collaborative and innovate in a safe environment, setting them up to feel psychologically safe is key.

This live, interactive, tutor-led course is ideal for new teams, merged teams, or teams that are struggling to collaborate. The course can be tailored to hone in on particular areas that are needed.

In a team up to twelve, you will spend the day learning:

  • What psychological safety is and how every person’s experience is different
  • The benefits and outcomes of increasing psychological safety in teams.
  • How to create a ‘social contract’
  • How to build an ‘empathy map’
  • How to build and maintain psychological safety in your team

By the end of the course, attendees will have a good understanding of psychological safety, and have a good grounding for maintaining it in their own team

Each course includes a 1 hour discovery call to tailor to each company’s needs.

All packages are tailored to suit business needs, size and budget, so the best thing to do is speak to us.

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A fresh take on how work gets done.

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