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Create an Engaging People Experience

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August 7, 2023

If you’re looking to create an engaging people experience strategy, you might notice some problems popping up in your organisation.

Do you recognise these?

  1. Retention has dropped as disengaged & unmotivated employees seek better offers
  2. Service levels have become unstable & employees picking up the slack have become overworked & frustrated
  3. The quality of your service & reputation have started to suffer, leading to lack of revenue & stunted growth
  4. You are investing in recruitment to fill the gaps. Without a good employer reputation, employees are only interested if you offer higher salaries
  5. New starters have turned into disengaged employees and the cycle begins again

When creating a people experience strategy, it’s best to include Agile HR methodologies.

Agile HR means adopting flexible and iterative practices to improve HR processes, encourage collaboration, and respond effectively to changes in the organisation and its workforce.

By embracing Agile HR, organisations can streamline HR processes, boost employee engagement, and enable HR teams to be more responsive and proactive in meeting the changing needs of the workforce. It aligns HR practices with the principles of agility, allowing for greater flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

We dove deep into the ways you can create an engaging people experience strategy in our free guide. Download your free guide now (Link to an example People Strategy, 8 Steps to great People Experience & Motivational Factor ideas included)

8 Steps to Great People Experience

STOP thinking about employee engagement and START thinking about People Experience

Traditionally, companies have tried to improve employee engagement by focusing on things like surveys, incentives, and training. But these efforts often fall short. 

Engagement is not just about how employees feel about their work. It’s also about how they experience their work. 

In short, when employees have a positive employee experience, they are more likely to be engaged in their work.

Build your business case

To get buy-in from stakeholders and support your vision for a frontline experience transformation, you need to create a strong business case.

The key principle here is to start with your business strategy and priorities. What are your goals for the company? What are the metrics that you are tracking to measure success?

Once you know your business goals, you can start to map out how an improved People Experience can help you achieve them. 

Create organisational drive

Once you have approval for your plan, you need to assemble a team to help you implement it. People Experience (PX) is not just the responsibility of one team, it is the responsibility of everyone in the business.

The Customer Relations team is particularly important because creating a good PX relies on many of the same principles as creating a good Customer Experience (CX). 

By working together, the PX and CX teams can create a positive experience for both employees and customers.

Close your communication gap

It’s hard to improve the experience of frontline employees if you can’t reliably reach them or have them reach you. This is called the “frontline connection gap.”

Frontline companies need to find a reliable way to communicate with their employees. This could involve using a mobile app, a two-way radio system, or a combination of both.

By finding a reliable way to communicate with their employees, frontline companies can improve the employee experience and boost productivity.

Get employee input

There is a common pitfall in employee experience and engagement: leadership teams run surveys to find out why employee engagement is low, then they implement a top-down plan to improve engagement. 

Surveys are a good starting point. They can provide broad, quantitative data to help you focus. However, you should not stop there.

Spend time with your teams and map out their journey with the company. This will help you identify the touchpoints that are working and the ones that need improvement.

Take an Agile Approach

Encourage an Agile mindset within the HR team by promoting adaptability, innovation, and continuous learning. 

HR leaders should empower their teams to experiment with new approaches, embrace change, and respond swiftly to evolving business needs. 

Agile HR practices enable HR professionals to navigate uncertainty and drive organisational resilience.

Remember to build your foundations first

Prioritise your efforts with the “two-factor theory”. This theory divides People Experience into two categories: Foundation Factors and Motivating Factors.

Foundation factors are the basic things that employees need in order to be satisfied with their jobs (pay, working conditions, and relationships with managers).

Motivating factors are the things that employees want in order to be engaged and productive (opportunities for growth and development, recognition for their work, and a sense of purpose in their job).

Once the foundation factors are in place, motivating factors can be more effectively utilised to inspire and engage employees.

Prioritise for focus and impact

The best way to approach People Experience and engagement transformation is to adopt a mindset of continuous testing and iteration. This means that you should start small, test your ideas, and get feedback from employees.

It is important to track the outcomes of your efforts throughout the People Experience evolution process. This will help you to identify what is working and what is not. It will also help you to make improvements to your efforts over time. 

By adopting a mindset of continuous testing and iteration, you can create a positive People Experience that will benefit both your employees and your company.

The destination — and beyond

We hope you are excited to start your journey to improve the People Experience in your company. This is an ongoing process that will involve the entire business. It is important to be prepared, have a plan, and be willing to adapt as you go.

Remember, the journey to improve the People Experience is just as important as the destination. 

By taking the time to do it right, you will create a more engaged and productive workforce that will help you achieve your business goals.

Creating an Engaging People Experience Strategy

For a deeper dive into the ways you can create an engaging people experience strategy take a look at our free guide. 

Download your free guide now 

You’ll find:

  • Link to an example People Strategy
  • 8 Steps to great People Experience
  • Motivational Factor ideas
  • Great advice & tips
  • Exclusive quotes from Agile HR experts

We know that HR leaders and teams are feeling the strain and are having to adapt rapidly to cope with the ever-increasing changes that companies are facing. That’s why People Efficient was created – to reimagine how HR gets done. 

We are experts in organisational development, change evolution, employee experience and of course, Agile HR through our popular Agile in HR™ courses and frameworks.