Meetings are a waste of time

Ineffective meetings that waste our time can negatively impact psychological, physical and mental wellbeing. This is what my meetings used to look like: Regular meetings, adhoc meetings, client meetings, update meetings, strategy meetings, wellbeing meetings, 121 meetings, performance review meetings. I instigated meetings and attended every one I was invited to (FOMO!). I probably don’t need to […]

Motivation Magic: 4 Strategies for Long-Term Success

The concept of motivation may be straightforward: reduce conflict, increase collaboration and remove blockers or obstacles that frustrate or take people away from achieving. Who here thinks that keeping motivated is an easy job? No – me neither! Motivating employees is even harder. However; add in real-life issues, personal problems, personality clashes or confused communication […]

The Ultimate Guide to Recovering Company Culture

It’s hard to keep a culture thriving. There are changes constantly – in products, people, external factors, internal factors – so it’s hard to keep a culture consistent. Here’s the sitch: Over the last 3 months, I have been approached on multiple occasions by HRDs and CEOs who are concerned about the lack of morale in […]

The Culture Conundrum: Why Being ‘Nice’ Can Lead to Trouble

You may be working in a culture that is TOO nice! Have you ever been invited to a meeting AFTER the actual meeting? You know, the one where you engage in slating the first meeting….? You know what I’m talking about – everyone was lovely and pleasant in the (probably virtual) room, but then they […]

The VUCA Imperative: Why HR Needs to Change Now

We are living (and working!) in a VUCA world. Today’s organisations need to be able to respond to change quickly, flexibly and at pace. They should be able to: Change, and people’s emotive reaction to it, is often the biggest barrier to success and growth. Organisations need to rely on their HR function to lead […]

The Agile in HR (R)Evolution: Your Ultimate Guide

The Agile HR (R)Evolution is coming.  Which means HR is going to have to step up and take the lead in putting people front and centre. For as long as I can remember, I have always been frustrated with how HR is viewed within a company. Often considered a cost drain, the ‘HR Police’ or […]