HR: Past, Present & Future

HR: Past, Present & Future with Natal Dank & Kevin Empey Join us as we look back at HR’s recent past, discuss today’s challenges and the future of work and what that means for the HR profession. ✔ Kate Maddison-Greenwell MCIPD – Kate is an experienced HR practitioner having worked in large global companies and […]

How Agile Can Revolutionise HR

How Agile Can Revolutionise HR – HR Recruit Kate Maddison-Greenwell presents a session on ‘How Agile Can Revolutionise HR’. Kate is a rising star in the Agile community, and with 23+ years in HR, she is committed to supporting HR to move from a cost centre to a profit enabling centre. In the webinar, Kate […]

Most workers would look for new job if told to increase office attendance

Experts say employers need to listen to employees’ preferences and avoid ‘micromanaging and presenteeism’ to remain competitive by Isabel Jackson 5 March 2024 More than two thirds (69 per cent) of employees said they would start searching for a new job if they were told to spend more time in the office, a new People Management poll has revealed. The remaining […]

Bringing Scrum to the HR Boardroom

Bringing Scrum to the HR Boardroom (Virtual Boardroom) – HR Recruit In this session, Kate Maddison-Greenwell takes us through how teams can be self-managing, and the significant benefits it can bring to a HR and/or leadership team. Using a scrum framework (part of the Agile methodology), Kate talked us through managing stakeholders, transparency, sprinting and […]

Redefining the Workplace

Redefining the Workplace: Building a Business Case for Remote/Hybrid Work Join us for an exciting online event that aims to revolutionise the way we work! In this highly anticipated gathering, we will dive deep into the world of remote and hybrid work models, exploring their benefits, challenges, and strategies for success. Kate Maddison-Greenwell, founder of […]

The Ripple Effect of Micromanagement: What You Need to Know

The Cost of Distrust: Unveiling the Hidden Impact of Micromanagement on Remote Teams In remote work trust stands as the cornerstone of effective leadership and micromanagement can easily destroy that trust. Recent findings from our study shed light on a concerning trend:  89% of HR leaders perceive a pervasive lack of trust within their organisations. […]

Who will win the ‘home vs office’ tug of war?

As growing numbers of businesses call staff back and Lord Sugar dubs remote workers ‘lazy layabouts’, People Management examines the arguments on both sides by Isabel Jackson 8 February 2024 As the pandemic came to an end and lockdowns eased, it seemed that remote working would be here to stay. However, almost four years on since the […]

Unlocking Remote Team Excellence

“The more the world feels out of control, the more we try to control the things in it that we can. But those being controlled can feel a loss of autonomy and empowerment which can stifle collaboration, creativity and productivity” – Kate Maddison-Greenwell For a long time now, we have met with frustrated HR Leaders […]

Navigating the Remote Workplace

Navigating the Remote Workplace: Uncovering the Challenges & Addressing Employee Needs In this webinar we’ll be unveiling the top challenges and employee needs currently shaping the HR landscape in 2024. This webinar is for you if: We will explore the evolving needs of the modern workforce and learn how to uncover and understand your employee […]